Don’t Be a Victim!

December 6, 2012

As the tax-filing season approaches, the identity thieves are gearing up with tax scams to sucker you into providing them with your identity information, which they can then use to charge against your credit cards, tap your bank account, steal your tax refund, file a fraudulent tax return in your name . . . the list goes on and on.

These thieves are clever, and some even disguise e-mails to look as if they come from a government agency; the IRS banner has been used in many scams to steal taxpayer identities.   For example,  you may receive an e-mail with the IRS banner indicating you have a refund coming and directing you to a web site where you are duped into revealing your identity to obtain the refund.

Don’t be a victim! Always be suspicious of such e-mails and keep in mind the IRS never initiates contact via e-mail.  Another tip is look at where the e-mail originated.  If it is not from, then it is a trick.  If you are not sure, please call this office for advice.

If you suspect your identity has been compromised, please call this office for assistance. The IRS also provides guidance at

Donna Bordeaux, CPA with Calculated Moves

Creativity and CPAs don’t generally go together.  Most people think of CPAs as nerdy accountants who can’t talk with people.  Well, it’s time to break that stereotype.  Lively, friendly, and knowledgeable can be a part of your relationship with your CPA as demonstrated by Donna and Chad Bordeaux.  They have over 50 years of combined experience as entrepreneurial CPAs.  They’ve owned businesses and helped business owners exceed their wildest dreams.   They have been able to help businesses earn many times more profit than the average business in the same industry and are passionate about helping industries that help families build great memories.